Thursday, March 5, 2020

Is 0 A Real Number

Is 0 A Real Number Zero is a real number. Though it is not a counting number but zero is an integer, a rational number, and a real number too. The concept of real number starts with integers, which include zero. Zero is an integer and since every integer for example 1, 2 is a real number, so zero cannot be taken as an imaginary number. Zero is unique among the real numbers because it does not have an inverse. Zero is in fact the starting point of the whole system. We also know that every real number has an opposite; similarly zero is its own opposite. Example1: Which of the statement is not true? a. 12 + 0 = 12 b. 5 0 = 5 c. 0 + 1 = 0 d. (a + b) + 0 = a + b e. 0 9 = - 9 Solution: 0 + 1 = 0 is not true because 0 + 1 = 1. As we all know that a number does not change when adding or subtracting zero from that number. All the other statements are true. Example2: Which of the statement is not true? a. 2 * 0 = 0 b. 0 * 12 = 0 c. - 5 * 0 = 0 d. x * 0 = x e. (x + y + z + r) * 0 = 0 Solution: x * 0 = x is not true because x * 0 = 0 . Zero times any number is equal to zero. The remaining statements are true.

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